Saturday, April 24, 2021

Buck Up Buttercup

 Sharing for a Friend.....

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole is Real.... So are the consequences to taking a position one is overqualified for.... 

I took a position I was overqualified for and it has been a problem since.  I quickly realized that I had way too much experience and was a threat to the status quo.  The area of my expertise was a closed system and I was not included in the mix. The position I should have had was as was taken. 

Then I went into another situation where I was  was cut short in an interview for not managing my time during the interview and in both instances they hired external candidates. I was overqualified and trying too hard to sell myself.  Of course, no matter what the situation, I came out with egg on my face. 

Then I applied for another position and although I did not aspire to it, I wanted to find a niche for myself in the organization and be a part of a team. For this one I applied and then pulled out of the process.. more than once.  I am told it was a combination of fear and lack of interest but truth be told I really did not want the position and it reflected poorly on me....

  1. an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
    "he is prey to irrational fears"
    the creeps
    the willies
    the heebie-jeebies
    the shakes
    the collywobbles
    butterflies (in the stomach)
    blue funk
    the (screaming) abdabs
    the Joe Blakes
    abnormal fear
    irrational fear
    obsessive fear
    bête noire
  1. be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening.
    "farmers fear that they will lose business"

So I leave myself with questions? Do I fit? Should I have to work so hard to fit in and be accepted? Is there a pathway for me?  I was made a part of a racial equity team and then I was removed as the team continued. Was I not acceptable? If inclusion is the name, why was I ostracized? Are they questioning my intent or my ability to send a message? 

Is the fact that I have been overlooked for positions that have gone to people with much less experience a reflection on me or the organization? Is it my age?

I speak up. Respectfully and privately and not in a way to demean anyone... have I made myself too familiar?  Allowed my kindness and sensitivity to overrule? Am I too open? Do I presume too much? 

Do I see myself as a threat? Kind of. My mental toughness, my collaboration and people skills, and my ability to take a lot seem to be a threat to the status quo...  Or maybe it is me? Misplaced? I know I feel a lack of fit.. Am I too arrogant? 

Maybe I am too pristine enough for the place.  Maybe I am a worker bee and not an executive.. I am pretty hands on and down to earth and don't get caught up in a lot of the pretense Maybe I should change? 

I have been given opportunity to take the lead in some places but they are not my style and I am sure it appears that I am not a team player... but I cannot do what I cannot do. I am a behind the scenes player... a technical supporter. I lead and direct...

I have resentment. I know it.

1. I resent the way they have stacked people  based on favoritism and do not allow any diversity in approach or opinion. 

2. I resent that I was shot down mid interview because I was going over on my time and in spite of the fact that I have given time to the organization I was not considered.

3. I resent that I have to jump through hoops and prove myself to get any movement there and that I have been pigeonholed. I feel like I am an embarrassment.

4. Most of all I resent the fact that I have allowed myself to be under employed and that I am seen by top leadership as not good enough.

5. I resent that I come to work and do work and work behind the scenes to clean up messes made by those they have hired who have no experience and I am still seen as not good enough.

I work hard, do my work, keep myself current, support others, but I stay out of the limelight. I am not a fast talker or a member of the "chosen". I don't want to be but I know my stuff and I want to build systems. And I want to be paid for the work I do and the expertise I have.....not treated like an afterthought.

I want to be respected for who I am and for what I give. I want to be treated with respect for my expertise and my experience and I do not want to be mistreated because I am too real or two nice. One lady there actually died and I think in part it was due to the politics there and the way they pushed her out.

 Favoritism and it is wrong. Not to say that I have not done my part in the problem,,, reacting to the exclusion and embarrassment with fear and uncertainty. 


I know that I am also in a position that is misplaced and a compliance issue. I report to people who have no clue of the work I am being asked to do. I am expected to lead work with people with higher positional authority and they ignore me when I request what is needed. It will all come out in the wash eventually but it is frustrating... I have played the game for a few years but it is taking a toll on my self and my health. 

A big lack of understanding...

I also know that anyone reading this can easily say that I have a  problem... that I have let opportunities go... that I have been too vocal, complained too much, spoken out.. And they would be right.. I don't believe I am a problem employee but I have let things pass by and been too outspoken to the top leader who I thought I could trust and who I thought valued my opinion. Now I feel like I am viewed as a joke... 

Being down here at the bottom I can see the dynamics at work...

 People hide a lot and upper management can get by with bullying and not be seen through... if they wish to hold someone back.... 

I can see how the people who have been at it there are being pushed aside and treated as not good enough in lieu of the bright and shiny...

Am I a trouble maker? Not really...only for myself when I speak out or try to control too much...but now I feel a sense of resistance.. a need to hold me back and not let me get too much power...I don't see any opportunity there... maybe it is fit.....

My question:

Do  I move on and build again or do I stay and fight?

Is this political environment with exclusion right for me?

Am I a failure because I cannot make it there?

Do I keep pushing back and try to get accepted or pull back and walk away? I have never been one to push back... 

Do they really even know who I am? I think not. 

I am smart and I have a lot of experience. I am not afraid to speak up and I have diversity in experiences so I can pretty much jump in anywhere, assess, and start making things more aligned. It is not an overload of ego.. I respect positional authority and I work as a team when needed. I can quickly see the big picture and a vision and sometimes that is a detriment... I take my time and build relationships but have a wealth of experience that builds my foundation...

I feel like I am in the way and a threat and now I am pigeon holed in a place where the position is wrong and no one seems to listen... 

And I am playing small..

Playing small to avoid conflict

Playing small because I feel like a failure

Playing small because I am a people pleaser by nature and want to blend in.

Playing small because I do not want to have to fight and compete and one up with others.