Sometimes you just have to go back to Step One. Powerless and knowing that you are powerless over circumstances. That God will have the serenity and grace to make things over.
First Step Prayer
Higher Power i admit that i am powerless over food. My life is unmanageable. Help me understand powerless. Remove all denial. Open my eyes to my areas of denial and help me overcome.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change what I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
It's needing to find like minded people who understand the devastation.
It is needing to identify relapse, finding a good place, getting geared and seeing a future that is past tomorrow.
Nothing is permanent. All is temporary. PTSD, trust, energy, kindness,
Strength to lose weight
Filling the spiritual void.
Finding a way to leave the house and get connected.
Admitting I am misplaced and getting out of it.
Missed opportunities for plays and drama and watching them.