Sunday, March 21, 2021

Tracy's Weekly Sharing October 26, 2019

Starting a New Adventure Here...Tracy's Weekly Sharing:  Information to Uplift, Inspire, and Clear My Brain....


Happy Halloween

Halloween Movies to Watch This Week End 

The Shining---scariest one ever
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Share some suggestions in the comment section of your favorite movie!. 

Like Hallmark Movies? Catch The Good Witch...A series of movies with a new release each season and a weekly series...

Tip of the Week: Bring joy to others... 

Avoid gossiping.
Lift Up and Do Not Break Down
Be Open Minded
Give Advice When Invited to Do So

Janis Joplin Would be 76.. New Bio Has Been Released

Random Acts of Kindness that No One Knows About 

Books I Am Reading

Winston Churchill: The Last Lion

The New Jim Crow

Quiet: The Power of the Introvert

Madame Bovary 

Elijah Cummings

Halloween Tips for Teachers

Love and Logic 

Working on Blood Sugar

 Well, my blood sugar is in the diabetic range. I need to get it down... How? Less stress, check numbers, eat correctly... exercise.

Ugh.. exercise will be my achilles heel. I just cannot seem to get myself out there... but I will try. I have never been one to let something get me down. Time to take control...gently of course. This too will pass.

Amazing new knowledge, I moved from 240 to 160 and then back to 200 all within a day. Triggers? Oatmeal, too big portions... croutons.? 

Learning how to keep it steady.... Will be checking in frequently.... Turning sixty, losing my cat, taking a job I do not like, COVID, and plain laziness on my part are responsible....