Saturday, May 3, 2014


I can only name this post, Ruth, because she would not be happy with me if I added her last name. I inherited my friendship with Ruth via marriage. Ruth is one of the most genuine people I know. She is a grandma and now a great grandma. I see her from one side, the side of her being grandma to my niece and nephew. Her other members of the family see her from a lot of other places.

I think Ruth is wonderful and she has been an influence on my life. She is kind. She stands behind her family members, and she is funny. Being around her family has enabled me to see a family that sticks together and has fun together through family tradition and love.  She has great faith and a great sense of humor. Ruth gives me the coolest gifts. Like a Yahtzee game and a roll of quarters to play. Or stamps and envelopes. She just thinks of the little things that are so important.

I felt really privileged that Ruth was a part of one of the best days of my life when I defended my dissertation. She made me feel so accomplished and I appreciated her being there so much. I think I love her so much because she loves our family so much,,, especially my niece and nephew.

Recently we all went to church to hear their family friend preach. This is an example of Ruth. The preacher brought his young daughter. It was chilly outside from the beach breeze and she was visibly cold. Ruth noticed and gave her her sweater to wear. That is Ruth. She always notices when other people need something. Then she quietly fixes it with no attention to herself.

Ruth is a mom at heart. She has a quick sense of humor and she represents all a mom is from raising kids in the 1950's and 1960's. . Always there and loving her kids. Sometimes she sends me a card with 5.00 in it just because. She makes funny jokes and reflects on situations. I also love Ruth because she is my Mom's best friend and is there for her when she needs something.

A word to describe Ruth.... barracuda. Barracuda when she needs to defend her own or stand by those she loves. She is silent but strong in her convictions.

Do not tell Ruth I wrote about her because she is humble.. and does not like attention.. and will not be happy with me when she finds out I wrote this. But I don't care.... I love her..her sense of humor... and her quick wit and family loyalty and I am so glad to put her in my Top 365.

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