Sunday, July 29, 2018

Moving On

So there is a lot to be said in life for moving on.

Moving on means I am ready to tackle the future with both barrels loaded . (If you are John Wayne)

Moving on means I am ready to let go of the past and all of the messiness and build a new tomorrow.

Moving on means I am not going to let the craziness of the past creep up on my new tomorrows.

Moving on means I have grown, I have matured, and I have found a new place in myself that is confident, ready to go, and looking ahead and not back.

Moving on means I am mentally, physically, and emotionally ready to face the challenge of self discipline.

Moving on means I will no longer compromise my values, my thoughts, or my talents through mindless chatter.

Moving on means I will focus on the safe and real and not the toxic and disruptive.

Moving on means I will not allow the challenges of jealousy, ambition, fake confidence and posturing get in the way of maturity and professionalism.

Moving on means I will no longer be controlled by sexual harassment in the work place.

Moving on means I will no longer be a slave to negative intentions.

Moving on means I will trust my intuition, my experience, and my faith to put me in the right place at the right time.

Moving on means I will not compromise myself or my safety.

Moving on means I will surround myself with safe people, safe activities, and maturity.

Moving on means I will no longer let the manipulation of the past control my future.

Moving on means i am smart, strong, and self disciplined.

Moving on means I have total responsibility for myself.

Moving on means I am ready to start today to clean up the clutter, let go of the past, and look to a new tomorrow.

Moving on means I build by what I give.

Moving on means I am real and OK with real and need no false pretenses to make me feel better than.

Moving on means I am content with myself and where i am in life today for today.

Moving on means I take what is best from the past and add it to the future.

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