Bill LaDage has made a big impact on my life. In addition to the fact that he was my sixth grade social studies teacher, he also was my principal for three years. In this time, I learned a lot from him and attempt to replicate his leadership in my daily interactions. Mr. LaDage was strong and set a temperament for our school environment. He was humble and did not seem to need a lot of attention or glimmer. He was supportive and set the standard for our school. I learned from him how to be a diplomatic leader. He reminded me of Abraham Lincoln. Not just because he was tall and had a presence, but because he was mild mannered and never lost his cool. He was able to let go and try new things and he had a strong focus on instruction. I learned from him how to create programs and how to become a part of a team.
During the time I was at Vandalia Middle School, I learned that it was not all about me. That as a part of a team I needed to let other people make decisions and not try to control everything. I also learned that a leader needed to cater to consituents in different ways. Some who were cohorts who had to be coddled and some who were new to the environment who could be molded. I learned too that sometimes you are just another employee and not the superstar and that is ok. I was appreciated for who I was but not held up against my colleagues as I had interacted in the past. This was a good lesson in humility.
Bill LaDage never raised his voice and kept his cool with kids. He held us accountable whether it was power writing across the curriculum or turning in a discipline form when we sent a student to the office. He helped me with my degree and gave me the freedom to work on creative endeavor
My tendency to think that grass is greener made me move on from that job to St. Louis and I left without saying good bye or without letting him know the impact he had on my career and my teaching. In my first years as principal and frequently now, I make decisions based on what I think Mr. LaDage would do.
Those three years at VMS were inspiring and made a strong impact on my career because he created such a healthy educational environment. I can only aspire to do the same.
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