Monday, September 2, 2013


Gail Lockart is not only my aunt, but my mentor and my friend. She is the rock of gibraltar for me when I need something and especially when I need a reality check. Gail grew up in Vandalia, IL and has three children and loads of grandkids. She married my Uncle Roy in the late 7os which was around the time I graduated from high school. I remember when I graduated she gave me a group of poems that she had written. This was my first interaction with her and I was so impressed with her support and her insignt and knowledge about education.

Gail is a teacher. She taught elementary school and gifted education. My Uncile Roy died young and he was the love of her life. Gail had many friends in Vandalia and was well respected as a school board member and a teacher. Gail was always my go to person when I needed advice about career and my life. She and I were very close and always had fun watching movies and discussing books and such over coffee. She also always made sure I was taken care of. When I graduated from high school with my teaching degree Gail bought me all kinds of teacher stuff.

At a time in my life when I did not have a lot of parental support, she was my support system and always still makes me feel like I can move mountains. Gail got me involved in middle school when I wanted to know more about it. She was working at Vandalia Middle School at the time and was involved in the transformation. It was also at this time that she was hired to teach college classes at Eastern IL University. She was there for me when I finished my masters and she was there for me when I had surgery. She came to visit me on Christmas when I did not come to California so I would not be alone. Gail moved from Vandalia to EIU and spent fifteen years at the college as a teacher. In this time she presented all over the world at the middle school association conferences. Gail loves movies and she is an avid reader.

She is strong and she has strong opinions on how things should be. Gail is very strong in her faith. She believes in God's will for our lives and she keeps her focus on his expectations. Gail is also fun and funny. She is fun to hang with and shop or go to movies and she is fun to talk with. Gail manages her money wisely and she is self sufficient. I respect Gail because she is unconditional and because she is strong in her beliefs. Gail Lockart is in the Top Ten and one of the top of my 365. She knows my life, my triumphs, and my heartaches.

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