Monday, September 2, 2013


One of my top influences in my life is my brother, Chris Rohlfing. Chris and I are fifteen months apart in age and the closest i will ever have to a twin. We have always been close and he loves me unconditionally. Chris was always the quiet one while I was the one always intervening and creating havoc. Questionaing and rebelling. Chris is also very smart. He is good in math and English and he is a geologist. he works from home which has given him time to do the job he is the most proficient at, being a Dad. When I wanted to move back to California, Chris brought his kids with him and they flew back to MO and drove me out to California. He and Kim have alwasy opened their house to me on holidays and I know he will be there for me if I ever need anything. Chris is a great person. He likes fantasy football and likes to stay up late and watch movies. He works from home so he has been able to be a big part of his kids' growing up years. Chris is funny. He likes all forms of music, esp. the Beatles. He rolls with things and does not get too shook about much but keeps a handle on what is important. Chris has been a support to his kids. He coaches Jared's teams and has made a big impact on people in Ventura. He is fair and kind and upholds what he believes to be the right thing to do. This was evident when he went to bat for a football colleague who was accused of some crimes. Chris is well respected by people who meet him. he is firm but fair with his kids and has taught them right from wrong. He instills in them a respect for people, and hard work, and education. He is there for them and his family is first. Chris wss the person who found my dad when he died. Of all of the people who were affected by this death, I think he suffered the most trauma. He was only 13 and did not have what he has been able o give his kids- an attentive father. Chris immediately took over the role of being there for Sue when our dad died and he was there for her through all of her years growing up. he is patient with our mom and he is just an all around good guy. I have always said if I could find someone as good as Chris, I would marry them in a minute. One of my top ten for sure in people who have made a difference in my life and continue to do so.

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