Monday, September 2, 2013


Also in the Top 365 and one who should be in the way top is my sister, Sue Ellen Gleaves.

 I love my sister.

Sue Ellen is 11 years younger than me and I consider her one of my best friends. Sue loves the Cardinals and the Blues and she is a biologist. She is married to Richard who is also in my top list. Sue was six when our dad died and she grew up in the 80's. She is smart and fun and very much a person of her own opinion. Sue is a naturalist and an animal lover. She has three dogs and was also a cat lover for many years. She is very confident and satisfied with herself. She has strong faith and loves her family and I respect her because she does not have to garner a lot of attention from other people to feel worthy

Sue is a cook. She loves to cook and she and Richard have a big garden in their back yard. I have always felt the need to protect her and would go to the end of the earth for her if she needed anything. This is because she is my sister and I love her so much. Sue is reslient and strong and she has strong convictions. She loves to go to see Stockton Thunder play and she also loves the Cardinals. Once she came to visit me and we got her tickets to go to the Cardinal game. Funny story that we obtained the scalper for the tickets from a police officer. We have fun when Sue is around (And Richard). We like to drink some brewery beers and watch movies and she is fun to just sit and talk to. She loves Hunger Games and Sons of Anarchy and is a tv buff just like my mom. She is loved by all of us and she and my niece Sarah look, act, and talk the same. We think Sue was cloned.

Sue works as a TA at Stanislaus and is a darn good one. She even just won an award. My best memories of Sue are when she was around when I was older and she was little like when I graduated from college and on my 21st birthday. She probably thought I was a crazy older sister. Her wedding was beautiful and she designed it herself.

When I need a reality check, I call Sue cause I know she will tell it to me the way I need to hear it.
When I want to go out and have some beers or go to Neptune's Net, I wait for Sue and Richard cause I know I will have fun. If you want to remind her of her recent cruise, just call her Suey...:)

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