Monday, September 2, 2013


One of my top ten is Jared Rohlfing. Jared is the apple of my eye. He is my nephew and I think he is funny, smart, and a great all around guy. Jared has always had his own mind. He is very self sufficient and does not seem to need a lot of people around. He has played football since he was young and this year took over soccer. Jared has a great sense of humor. He is funny and he does funny things to make people laugh. He also is great with younger kids and takes them under his wing when he is at events. Jared has a girlfriend and they go to movies a lot and hang out at the mall. Jared is good to his parents and he is very smart. he makes great grades in school and he is well liked by his teachers and his peers. During his freshman season, he was given an award for his leadership in football. He is very athletic and talented in athletics. Jared is my buddy. I love him so much. When he was little he used to come to my house and swim and stay the night. He would use all of the bandaids when he fixed scrapes and we would drive all around town. Now is he growing up and I have a lot of respect for the young man he is becoming. Jared is a fun loving individual with so much to give to the world.

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