Sunday, December 10, 2017

Healthy Before 60 Day Two

Well. this morning I logged into Facebook forgetting that I was supposed to go exercise. This week end is one that is nice as I am able to get my focus back. The past few weeks have been pretty crazy. It has been nice to be at home and relax and just get caught up.

I am feeling some fear right now. It is work related. My boss has never seemed to connect with me well. Now he has shifted our focus  and involved in this is leadership by a young and aggressive, young person. I am totally in agreement with their plan. I just am worried about where I fit in to this. I have never been too well liked by the team. Probably because I keep to myself and do my work and I don't get involved in the drama. I cannot help it. I am an introvert and that is my style.  I try to stay on the side of politics and keep as strong foundation. What I do has to be done regardless of their plans. Yet, I sense a couple of them would love to use this as a chance to show me up. I also have been in this situation before and it did not turn out so well. Therefore, I am very gun shy.

This is what I do know. They leave early and come in late. They suck up to him to get what they want. There are some indiscretions involved. A lot of unexperienced people are making decisions that are very timely, but not sure that they have the systemic capacity to build and keep them up. My feeling, I am intimidated and fearful with the process. A lack of confidence on my part simply because of past insecurities.

I feel like my biggest goal is to move on but I am scared. And when I have an opportunity, I blow it. So a lot of this craziness is me. I cannot control any changes he will make, but it will devastate me if I have to look for another job.

Karma is a bitch so I am hoping the posturing  at the church will eventually become evident. . They are certainly setting up a manipulative situation. And it is sad. Because it will not work if they don't get people involved. I  can only know that I need a new challenge if he will not allow my to be the expert that I am. I have a grounding and foundation and I know the best processes to what works and what doesn't.

How Can I Make Today Good?
1. Get caught up at home.
2. Buy cat food and get organized.
3. Juice up my Fit bit
4. Finish my Christmas shopping
5. Laundry
6. Focus on faith instead of fear.
7. Get rest.
8. Lots of water.
9. Avoid carbs and sugar.

Know that what happens is the way it is supposed to be. Thinks always work out. The ultimate message is peace on Earth and goodness to others.  Stay on Three. Be grateful. 

What Did I Eat Yesterday?
1. Lots of cornbread- 15 points
2. Chili- 15 points
3.Peanut Butter, Cheese, and crackers.
4. Real Pepsi- I grazed all day.

Plans for Today
1. Do other blog
2. Laundry and dishes.
3. Bank
4. Pet store
5. Grocery Store
6. Lunch

Plans for the Week
1. Cleaners
2. Join Jazzercise AM in Pleaseanton
3. Work Christmas- liaisons, girls, Secret Santa,  Karen, Melinda, Mariam, Gail,
4. Donate Ventura.

God, please level things out.

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