Friday, December 15, 2017

When You are Too Tired to Write. Day Eight

What a week it has been. Not sure I have gotten any closer to being healthy at 60 but I do like that I am reflecting on the days. And putting together a water bottle each morning that contains fruit. A place to begin!!!! More water.

Lots o holiday treats but now the times are winding down. That is good. Peace on Earth good will to me. Not sure if I felt that way today totally, but I do think I showed some strength and reserve.

So time will tell. If I had my druthers, I would posture more and act more professional. But is is hard because that is not me. I am a talking and nice person. But I do think I would be taken more seriously if I had a bit more reserve. And worked on my personal appearance too.

I want to keep going and end with a great career. Time will tell. For now.... I am tired.

Two pieces of toast for breakfast. with cantaloupe and chorizo
A ham sandwich for lunch.
Two cookies.
Burger, onion strings, and beans. Too much GREASE.I feel awful. Remind me not to do this again.

Next week: Make soup!!!

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