Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Healthy by 60 Something Nice Everyday

Christmas is over. The spirit is still in the air. 

What is on the agenda?

1. Three week hiatus from social media.
2. New Years
3 Catching movies.
4. Exercising daily.

Will the three week hiatus work? Not sure? 

  • Too much browsing on Facebook causes depression.
  • Too much browsing on social media takes away from productive time.
  • Balance between browsing and flow. 
New Year's Resolutions?
1. Have a meaningful work environment.
2. Travel
3. CBO classes and social work program
4. Healthy food
5. Blogging or journal.
6. Talk less and listen more.
7. Meaningful interactions 
8. Model joy.
9. Give back
10. Focus on others over self.
11. Something nice everyday. 

Reflection, refreshment, trust, faith, adventure, courage.  Something nice everyday. Being deliberate. 

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