Thursday, December 28, 2017

Healthy By 60 Do I Snore?

Do I Snore?
I went home for the holidays and since I live alone I have no recollection of snoring. But I was told I did indeed snore, especially after having some drinks. So, my mind goes to:

1. I am going for healthy by 60
2. Do I have sleep apnea?
3. How much do I snore and does it obstruct my sleep patterns?

As the good Googler I am, I looked online for an answer. I have a Fit Bit Charge 2 to track steps and remind me to get up and walk. I track my sleep patterns on this and when looking at the past few days, saw I had many wake ups.

Looking deeper,  found the Snore App. Download on the IPhone and turn on when going to sleep. It gives a percentage to record snore patterns.

My snoring at one point in the night was epic.
How do I match up with the remainder of the snorers? (Mine was 52% and 20% is normal. 100% is high).

By upgrading I can add to the app and track trends. Last night I turned it on and laid the phone down and did not check to ensure it was working. No record. I will track patterns for a week and see how the results turn out. 

The New Year is upon us and with it comes decisions about the future. I know I need to make a job change. I have a chance to take a great position but it would require me to move. Nature vs nurture I guess.  Fortunately I have some time to mull it over. I like my current living situation and hate to change it. But the job is a great opportunity to make a difference.

Resolutions are always good. Even when we break them. It gives us a chance to reflect.  The end of the year as a time to look back on what was and was not and to look forward to what can be. A chance to start anew.

Journal, write, read, paint, walk, garden. Whatever the choice, take some time to reflect and plan.